

Part two



Easter Weekend

In the 1970s my previous wife, Sandy, and I purchased a wilderness cabin in Barton Flats near Mount San Gorgonio, the highest peak in Southern California. Our kids, Scott & Corinne, grew up spending many weekends and vacations there. Sandy grew up visiting the area and she now owns her parents' cabin. It's a cozy place full of wamth and character located just above a stream.


Storms over the past couple of years had knocked down a few large trees that were killed by a bark beetle infestation. Cutting them up and cleaning around the cabin was a big job so we volunteered to help.


Corinne and her boyfriend, Eric, flew down from their home in Portland, Oregon to help. Corinne loved the time she spent as a kid at the cabin and wanted to share the experience with Eric.


Scott heard about our plans so he arranged to fly down from his home in near Oakland. Too bad Amy, his fiance, had to work. We missed her.


Jim and Katie, Corinne and Scott and Eric


Scott and Corinne back in the mountains with their mom.







For me it was a wonderful weekend. I enjoy cutting up trees and splitting firewood. I love being in the mountains and I have many great memories of Barton Flats.


The best part of the trip was spending time with Scott and Corinne.


We cut up a few trees....without breaking anything or hurting anyone.


But it wasn't all work. Corinne and Scott remembered the older men from the area playing horseshoes. They convinced Eric and me to play and we spent a couple of hours trying to toss horseshoes anywhere near the target. A fun time was had by all. Maybe the beer helped?


Corrine tossing a horseshoe.


Eventually everyone got a ringer.

See Video


Go to April 2008

